Sullo Bambang Yudhoyono

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009
General TNI (Ret) Sullo Bambang Yudhoyono, popularly known as SBY, was born in pacitan,Eastn Java, on 9 september 1949. He graduated from the milltary academy in 1973-top in his dass. He recelved his fourth star in 2000 in the first-ever direct presidential election in indonesia in 2004 Sullo Bambang Yudhoyono, running on a piatfrom for more just, more prosperous, and more democratic indonesia" was elected as the 6th president megawati soekamoputri.

President Yudhoyono is also an accomplished scholar. He was educated in the united states,where he recelved hi masters degree in Agricultural Economics from Bogor insitute of Agriculture, west java, indonesia, in 2004. President Yudhoyono was awarde with two honorary doctorates in 2005, respectivelyin the fled of law from his alma mater, webster university, and in political scidence from thamasat university in thailand.

During his 27-year distingulshed millitary service, President Yudhoyono took an extensive range oftraining, education and courses, both in indonesia and overseas. President Yudhoyono also held numerous impotant post and positions as troop and territorial commander,staff officer, trainer and lectuler.He served both in the fled and at heduarters, as well as missinos overseas. He was the commander of the united nations millitary observers and Commander of the Indonesia Millitary contingent in bosni-herzegovina from 1995-1996.

for his outstanding service, President Yudhoyono was decorated with 24 nedals and awards,induding the UNPKF Medal, the Bintang Dhama Adipuma and the Bintang Replublik Indonesia Adipuma, the highest medal for excellent servic beyond the call of duty.

prior to being elected,President Yudhoyono held various important govement possition, induding minister of mining and Energi and Co-ordinating minister for pollitical, social, and security affairs in the national unity cabinet under President abdurrahman wahid. He againg served as Co-ordinating minister for pollitical, social, and security affairs in the Gotong-royong cabinet under President Megawati Soekamoputri. It was in his capacity as coordinating minister that he became international recognized for leading Indonesia's counter-terrosim effosts.

President Yudhoyono is also known for his activites in various civil soclety organizations. He served as Co-Chaiman of the Goveming board of the